Can You Hear me now?

designall_005We’ve all encountered those people…the ones who feel the need to talk extra loud while on their cell phone.  I can just imagine their friends and family on the other end scrambling to turn down the volume on their ear piece as they get blasted away.  The funny thing about loud talkers in that they seem to be the people with the least to say.  Which causes me to wonder if the increase in volume is somehow meant to raise the level of importance associated with their conversation, in which case… Epic Fail.  All you have managed to raise is the level of douchery in the room.  First of all,  no one really wants to know what you’re talking about. Secondly, no one talks that loud on a regular basis (except for Samuel L. Jackson)… why so loud on the phone? Lastly, the technology of cell phones has improved by leaps and bounds over the years. It is NOT in fact a tin can tied to a very long piece of string you do not need to send your mega vibrations from here to your Aunt Penny in Michigan via good old fashioned larynx power… they have towers to help with that.  Talking extra loud on a cell phone feels kind of like yelling at a blind person to me…  it’s unnecessary, it’s not helping the person on the other end, and mostly it makes you look like a jack ass.

Loud phone talkers often have other odd habits such as choosing inappropriate subject matter, or having an unnatural phone voice.  Or even worse, that completely fake laugh they only do on the phone… that laugh makes my skin crawl.  I also dislike people using their phones at inappropriate times (see previous bathroom post), in line to check out somewhere, at a restaurant when the server is trying to take their order. I mean how rude must you be to pay more attention to someone on the phone and presumably miles away than someone standing right in front of you.  It seems as if the phrase “I’m going to have to call you back” has been lost in today’s vocabulary.  Nowadays there are so many ways to be annoying on the phone, and more and more people seem to be adopting those habits to the detriment of the public at large.

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