Top Five Things I Find Annoying…Today (Episode 1)

making-list-0808-lg-5041854I was thinking of things to rant about in my latest post and I realized there are lots of things I could rant about, but none that I necessarily felt deserving of their own post (at least for now). So I decided instead to share with you a list of the five things currently “grinding my gears.”

#1. impractically long acrylic finger nails (they remind me of the Guinness World Records lady… super creepy)

#2.  People who wear sandals with gross cracked heels and chipped off nail polish and long gnarly toenails… basically if you haven’t had a pedicure (even one yo u did yourself) in the past year keep those dogs under wraps.

#3. When you go to pass someone driving too slow and all of a sudden the guy you just got behind slows down and the guy who was dragging his ass all of a sudden wakes up… how does that always happen?

#4. People who stand in line at fast food restaurants right in front of the huge menu signs hanging from the ceiling and when it’s they’re turn to order they have no idea what they want and only then consult the previously mentioned huge menu as if it has just materialized before them… get it together people! (I realize that was an incredibly long run on sentence, and I simply don’t care.)

#5.  Women who over pluck and/or completely remove their eyebrows and then draw them back on.  There is something very disturbing about the look of perpetual surprise resulting from this action.

That’s it for now, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on my list and also what’s been in your top five lately.

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