I’m So… Happy

At work we have an intercom system which serves a variety of purposes for various people.  For myself it is seen as a last resort, if I go looking for you in the typical places I think you’ll be hiding, one of the labs, your office etc. and I can’t find you, then I’ll break down and page you.  And it has been pointed out to me that unbeknownst to me I have developed a “phone voice” when I page.  My pages usually go something along the lines of “**insert name here** call 217 please **name** 217” but I somehow manage to say “two…one…seven” with the voice of an angel.  Others, however, are not angelic with their paging and not nearly so discriminating in their usage.

This cycle of abuse has been spiraling downwards for years. It began with a particular fellow employee who spend approximately 70% of her time attempting to make it look like she’s extremely busy and important despite the fact that she is naturally often neither of these things.  She often begins pages with a giggle as if to show the world, or at least our buildings 40 or so inhabitants how jovial life is in the lab.  She pages repeatedly over and over again and for two people at a time, which I have never managed to wrap my mind around since only one at a time can respond.  She once paged beginning with a straining grunt which transitioned into what seemed like a plea for help, I believe that day half the building was fairly certain she was trapped under a murderous piece of lab equipment. Unfortunately, we were not so lucky and the pages continues year later.

By far my favorite pager of all time is the CEO of our company. His pages,  unlike most,  rarely  indicate a location or a number at which he wishes to me called. They are barked out in his New York accent and usually consist of “**insert name here** would yah cawl me please!” But my favorite are the ones in which he says “**insert name here** CAWL YOUR AAWFFICE!” which in essence means “I’m looking for you where you’re suppose to be and you’re not here fucker”

The latest trend in paging is to use is as a platform for expressing your deepest darkest depression. One of my co-workers sounds like she’s about as down in the dumps as you can get every time she pages, and then fine minutes later when you see her in the hall she’s as happy as ever. I have reached the conclusion that while my phone voice is made of honey and butterfly kisses, hers is made up of ground up Zoloft and Cymbalta tablets. Today at work paging reached a new low in which two members of the warehouse support staff paged doing what I can only assume was their best Droopy Dog impressions (see video below). The first page sounded as if it was in slow motion and the pager was lost in a fog of sadness. The second page actually lasted a full minute and was 50% yawn, “**insert name here** please call 166….**creepy silence…. YAAAAAWN**…. 166.”

It wouldn’t bother me that people paged so much if at least they were quick and to the point and not ridiculous. We have all been paged at work and are therefore trained like Pavlov’s Dog’s by the introductory “Beep, BEEP!” to pause conversation and any tasks at hand to wait to hear which name follows.  We have even all begun to have auditory hallucinations when it comes to our names. “Was that for me?” “No John, they called for Sally”

Which should I do tomorrow? “CAWL ME!” or “I’m so….. Happy” in my best Droopy Dog voice?

Adventures in Fitness

I’ve been trying to be much better about working out lately and trying to get back into shape, which is a funny thing to say because I’ve really never been in THAT good of shape… I guess I’m not setting the bar too high. That’s good though, then I can’t be disappointed. I recently started doing pilates again which I had done a few years back during one of my last fitness ventures.  I have chosen Lara Hudson (pictured to the right) as my guide on this journey. Along the way I have discovered a few things that annoy me, which I’m sure are common to all exercise videos by nature.

I like Lara fine enough, she’s nice, has a pleasant voice that doesn’t annoy me, she’s pretty, but not too pretty so as to be threatening, it’s a nice balance. She’s supportive, but sometimes in a creepy way, like when she tells me “good form” from the other side of my computer screen. I mean I know they’re making new advancements in technology all the time but I’m pretty sure these things still only go one way… RIGHT!?

And sometimes diespite her encouraging nature she makes me feel pretty pathetic like when I’m teetering in a strange downward facing dog pose, with my right leg pointing up in the air behind me, the other turning to Jell-O beneath me, my arms shaking under my body weight and she says sweetly, “for a little added difficulty raise your left hand off the mat…” What!?!? and promptly plant my face into the floor?

It reminded me of this… I feel you Brian, I feel you.

Peace… but never quiet.

It has come to my attention that I am extremely sensitive to sounds. You know, the strange nagging annoying little sounds the world is constantly bouncing off innocent eardrums, they are sounds I would define as noise pollution. This sensitivity I suppose has existed my entire life. I have always needed my room to be nice and quiet in order to fall asleep, only able to tolerate the steady whir of a fan or hum of an AC unit.  This has been causing me problems for about 4 years… ever since I asked my non husband to move in with me. Were he to be bestowed with and Indian name I would nominate “Breathes Like an Ox” and ” the Great Wind Sucker” for he paints with ALL the colors of the wind when he sleeps. Unfortunately for both me and his ribs which I frequently elbow his funny little nose snorty sounds keep me awake, and he always falls asleep before me.  It is almost as if the rest of the world fades into the background as I lay in bed and all I can hear is the all consuming sound of his breathing… and I slowly descend into madness and then it happens, the elbow takes flight.

A few months ago following a series of dental appointments which ended in 10 fillings, now refered to as my “new counter tops” I was gifted the ability to taste sounds.  My dental renovations had resulted in a level of sensitivity which was other worldly.  Every metallic ting or crinkle or squeak felt like chewing on foil and tasted like sucking on pennies.  A knife would squeak across a plate and I would salivate discomfort. I spent my days literally bracing my mouth for sound impact, to the point that I was pressing my tongue to my teeth and gradually, slowly and uncomfortably moving them within my mouth. The phenomenon grew worse the further the temperature dropped when winter came, and this winter was one for the record books. Eventually the weather warmed, my teeth began to heal and specially formulated toothpastes have striped me of my unique gustatory/auditory super powers.

Now that I’m not experiencing such physical discomfort from sounds I am able to simply hear them again and they are getting more and more annoying. Today at work I finally fought back against the noise. Just outside the door to my new and otherwise lovely office there is another door to a main traffic pattern through the building. This door opens approximately 600 times a day and every time it does the squeak of the hinges sounds like a pod of humpback whales is being set loose down the hallway.  And then when the door finally makes the long and loud journey back to its resting place it slams into its frame shaking the entire wall in front of me. After sitting at my desk all day yesterday losing a bit more of my mind to this distraction with each opening and closing, I decided today had to be a better day. The first order of business at work today was a heavy coating of WD40 on all of the doors moving parts, and the placement of multiple foam pads along the door frame to cushion the impact. The difference was immediate and… powerful. Today flavors were tastier and colors were brighter because the door wasn’t putting a damper on it all. I went back later and sprayed another celebratory layer on the hinges.  And I didn’t stop there, I sprayed my creeky chair and my squealing  hole punch.

And the next time my office mate disturbs my sanctuary with the rustle of his pant leg and squeak of his chair as he absent-mindedly bounces his leg, I’m throwing that can of WD40 at the back of his head.

Order in Chaos

Lately I have had a lot of friends remark on both twitter and facebook that they just love the feeling of crossing something off of their to do list. I too suffer from this disorder, I shall refer to it as “false accomplishment” disorder. I write post-it notes all the time at work, usually just as reminders, sometimes as lists. The truth of the matter, however, is that these post-it are typically representative of isolated events/accomplishments. And even if I did down and make a list of the 20 things I had to do and cross of each thing one by one I’d feel my false sense of accomplishment, only to have it followed by and inevitable “Oh shit” moment in which I realize the other 5 things I left off that list. The most complete lists I make are grocery lists and even when I get every item on that list I come home to realize another item I was running low on or should have picked up. Or I decide to make a recipe I have only half the ingredients for, because well, that’s life for you.

Lists for life, or “to-do” lists I find function about the same way. You finish everything on your list at work only to have a new project thrown at you, or better yet something you thought you finished ends up back on the bottom of some new list. So at the end of the day why do we make lists, and why do we feel such a sense of accomplishment when we finish them? That’s just humans trying to impose order on chaos, and well… that never leads anywhere good. (that’s how religion was invented and look how ridiculous that’s gotten) So… please, before things get out of hand, put down your notepads and your post-its and join me in admitting you have no idea what it is you need to do, and you have no clear concept of if and when you’ll ever truly be able to finish half of those tasks anyways, because things are constantly changing.

I can haz Job?

Five days a week I go to work, and I marvel at the fact that some of the people I work with are still there, and by that I mean…still have jobs. Why? Because they’re lazy, stupid, more interested in talking and socializing than their work.  Some of them are generally useless human beings. I marvel at their continued employment because the national rate of unemployment is over 10% and the unemployment rate where I live in Richmond, Virginia is 9.8%. This leads me to believe that out of that 9.8% of the local population at least half of them are likely more worthy of employment that some of the people I work with.  Moreover someone who has been out of work for a while would probably be so happy just to have a new job that they’d be far more focused and dedicated than the people I see take their jobs for granted daily. I’m not saying you need to be in love with your job or try to save he world everyday but if you are given a task at least finish it properly and in a timely fashion if you expect your next paycheck.

I mean if 10% of the population is going to be unemployed at least make it the 10% who doesn’t deserve a job in the first place. Maybe they’d finally learn some type of work ethic. Just a thought.

Three and Out

I’ve been seeing more and more photo albums pop up on people Facebook pages in the weeks since Halloween and there is a growing phenomenon which continues to bother me.  Halloween is all about costumes, the scary ones, the creepy ones, the slutty ones, the funny and or really clever ones… they’re all good.  Sometimes even the last-minute ones can be the most inventive and at least show a little bit of thought and effort.  You know the kind: the guy who shows up wearing a hefty bag because he’s “white trash”. The definition of a costume is dress or garb characteristic of another period, place, person, etc.

That being said there are certain last-minute effortless costumes that bother me. The kind that you might as well not even bother with. There is always the girl who puts on some leggings and basically all of the ugly colorful things she owns and is a generic 80’s montage of a person… cop-out.  And there is the guy who wears a wife beater and jeans and says he’s a redneck… it’s not a costume if it’s your real life buddy. But the one I have been seeing all over the place that really aggravates me is girls wearing football jerseys and jeans with maybe some team colored ribbons in their hair or some black smudges under their eyes if you’re lucky.  What are you supposed to be? A sports fan? Because if you owned that jersey already you are a fan… so it’s not a costume it’s… what you wear on Sundays. A football player? I’m going to at least need some spandex pants to go with or maybe you could cleverly fashion some kind of pads? You know… try a little.

Oh I know! If it’s an Aaron Rogers jersey you might be going as me for Halloween.  Now that’s a clever costume.  So dear 20 something girls, if that’s the best you can do, don’t even bother next time.  Or do us all a favor and make a $20 trip to the local Party City and buy… ANYTHING!

The Untouchables

towels We’ve all seen them… covered in lace, embroidered with monograms, emblazoned with cutesy appliques, folded over rods, draped through loops and perched on the edges of sinks. They are… the decorative hand towel. And the only thing worse than the decorative towel you know you’re not supposed to touch… is the decorative soap sitting idly next to it. How dare you get it wet and begin to smooth out its carefully carved and molded edges!  Just imagine what would happen if just anyone used that soap. Why that seashell would just be a sad little triangle, and those initials, well who would be able to read those anymore? It’s just barbarism!

Nothing seems more pointless to me than soaps and towels you’re not supposed to use being on display in a bathroom.  First of all, I can only assume the people who own these items are trying to impress the guests in their bathroom. And surely nothing impresses more than wet unsoaped hands you have to wipe off on your own jeans.  Not only is this impractical but, wasteful. I for one can honestly say that there isn’t a single item in my house that I have not, do not currently or will not in the future actually use. And just to clarify display/decoration is a use for a painting… not a hand towel. I am willing to bet the same people who get upset when people use their decorative hand towels also own candles that they have never and will never light, and vases that have never held flowers and never will, and that at least one piece of furniture somewhere in their house still have some sort of protective coating of some kind on it. And that’s what really bothers me. Not the towels and the soaps but people need to impress and build a facade. It’s a bathroom, not a museum.

In today’s materialistic world people talk about the need to have everything, but some people seem to have a need for two of everything. Their “nice” set and their everyday set.  The only version of this phenomenon which exists in my house is that I have everyday dishes and I have fine china. But to be fair, the china does actually get used occasionally. It’s like buying a new wardrobe and still only ever wearing your old clothes because you’re afraid the new ones with get dirty.  Or buying a brand new computer and using your old own because you don’t want the fancy one to get a virus.  At the end of the day things get dirty, and scratched, and bend and broken.  But guess what,  that’s why we clean things, and we glue things back together, and we pick things up and dust them off and move on with life.  And that’s why my guest bathrooms each contain two solid colored hand towels, and metal liquid soap pumps.  It’s not the Ritz but guess what… no one is wiping their hand on their pants.

Foot Pneumonia

sandalsI’m currently on vacation in San Francisco California with my husband and the in laws and somehow the trip out here wasn’t worthy of a post. It was honestly the most trouble/annoyance free trip I’ve ever made.  And there hasn’t been too much here that’s been on my nerves either… which I suppose is the point of vacation. Though we all know they don’t always turn out that way.

I did however see something over and over again on the streets of the city today that did tweak at a pet peeve of mine.  Today was windy, cloudy and a high of about 58 in the city. I myself was wearing skinny jeans, flats, a camisol with a cardigan over it, and a matching beanie because well… I have no hair to keep me warm.  And while it wasn’t “cold” I kept seeing women wearing everything from long wool peacoats to scary Lion Witch and the Wardrobe fur coats, paired with flip flops, or sandals. Now… if it’s cold enough you need a jacket… aren’t your poor naked feet freezing? This reminded me of two things.  First, the time my mother yelled at me for being barefoot in the cold because I was going to catch “Foot Pneumonia”… my Mom is nuts, in an unbeleivably adorable way.  And second, another similar pet peeve of mine… sleeveless sweaters. If it’s cold enough for you to need a thick sweater on your torso… aren’t your uncovered arms cold?

All I’m saying is, shouldn’t all the items of your outfit be in the same season?  Or at least not functionally retarded and nonsensical? I’m trying to save the world from a Foot Pneumonia Pandemic.

Top Five Things I Find Annoying…Today (Episode 2)

penI have decided to revisit a previous post of mine with a new list of the current top five things annoying me, because when it comes to me and the things that bother me about the world, there is always something, but you can never guess what it might be today.

#1.  People with an air of superiority. I want to throw them all off the pretty little pedestals they’ve built themselves.

#2. “Saved” Christians looking down on an atheist because they’re not as good and somehow not entitled to the same freedom to have their own beliefs (or lack there of), no matter how much you may disagree with them.  And don’t tell me you’ll pray for me… I might want to punch you in the face. And we heathens have poor self control at times.

#3. The Washington Post Sunday Crossword Puzzle. Nothing manages to make me feel less intelligent than those glaringly empty little white squares. And I’m pretty sure some of that stuff is plain old made up. But then we’ve already established in #2 that I’m a bit of a skeptic.

#4. People who are ALWAYS late. In today’s world where your Palm Pre can tell you when you’re going to need to take your next crap how is this still possible? There are clocks on phones, on iPods, on microwaves, on ovens, on cable boxes, on the task bar of your computer, on your wrist?… on WALLS! And somehow you neglected to look at ANY of them and caused me to have to wait 30 minutes for you to arrive past our agreed meeting time, or now the dinner I had ready for your arrival is cold or overcooked.  I believe this phenomenon is related to today’s #1.

#5. The fact that the “fashions” of the 80’s and 90’s are coming back to haunt me in my adulthood. I was in a Claire’s this weekend shopping for Halloween costume accessories and was disturbed to see 14 and 15 year olds picking out lacy Maddonaesque gloves, chunky plastic neon jewelry,  leg warmers, and a whole host of other travesties as their every day flare. The highlight was arriving at the checkout counter to be greeted by a plastic bin proudly displaying slap bracelet. For only $3.50 apparently you too can relive the 80’s

What a Croc

crocs The topic of Crocs shoes was recently suggested to me as a blog topic and well… I couldn’t agree more. I must admit they are a phenomenon I have never truly understood. I wear a pair of flats all day without stockings or socks and my feet sweat more than is socially acceptable for any woman, so the thought of sticking my feet in rubber shoes does not appeal to me in any way. Sure, they have little ventilation holes in them but unless they also come with a clip on foot fan I don’t see those doing a whole lot of good. It seems like you might at well buy a tube if tough actin’ Tenactin when you buy your Crocs because athletes foot is nearly inevitable.

It would seem the only true justification of rubber footwear involves protection from water, a pair of rain boots for puddle jumping, some hip waders for fishing… you get the idea. But these can’t even suit that purpose given the previously mentioned holes. Ok, so then maybe it’s because they’re presumably non-slip being as they are made of rubber. I can understand therefore the appeal for restaurant employees to a certain extent, but honestly the only person who has truly ever owned that look is Mario Batali with his signature orange Crocs. And I have a feeling that’s due more to the fact that the Iron Chef looks like a Viking who could rip your head off, than anything else. I mean who’s going to tell him he looks ridiculous?

Lastly, it annoys me that this idea is seen by some as so unusual or special… rubber shoes people?  Yeah… we’ve done that before. It was the late 80’s and they were called Jellies, and THOSE were awesome. I mean at least my cute little clear purple rubber sandals had glitter in them… beat that style!

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