Stair Master

Rocky_Balboa_Running I work in a 3 story office building/laboratory and it shocks me every day home many people take the elevator to go up to even just the second floor.  Granted in large buildings like that the staircase can be a little bit higher than a normal one in your house thanks to high ceilings, but I estimate the ones at work are about 24 steps per floor.  Let me be clear that I understand elevator usage by some: an injured person, someone carrying a lot of heavy stuff, the handicapped, the elderly, you get the idea.  But what I’m talking about are the able bodied people on their way to the 2nd floor for lunch who are going to complain about eating healthy and trying to lose weight over lunch… but couldn’t put in the effort to put one foot in front of, and slightly higher than the other… for 24 steps.

My thoughts on the matter are: it’s not like it’s far to go, and besides it’s usually faster becuase you don’t have to push a button and wait for the elevator to get there. And haven’t doctors and others been saying for years that one of the things you should change about your lifestyle to be more healthy is to walk more places and always take the stairs? Apparently these people have not received that memo.  And you have way too much nerve if you’re going to take the elevator and then talk to me about how you’re fat because your metabolism isn’t good.  I’m not asking you to go all Rocky, or get on a stairmaster for 30 minutes I’m just saying: haul your lazy ass up the one or two staircases between where your fat butt got up from one chair… and plans to plant itself on another.  I mean really.

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