This Little Piggy

feet 1feet 2

I love shoes. I own many pairs of them, all shapes and colors and sizes. And all of them aside from a few heel grips on some pumps (I have narrow heels) fit me extremely well. Why? Because when I buy shoes I try them on. Because they all fit differently just like clothing. I have some flats that are 5 1/2 (this is the part where girls with big Sasquatch feet start to hate me) some of my heels are 6’s some of my sneakers and boots are even 7’s… it all depends. Are you wearing them with or without sock? Are they pointy or rounded… etc. etc. So tell me people… why is it so hard for some women to buy the proper size of shoe?

Example to the left: this girl seems put together, nice shoes, nice legs, nice manicure… except her big long monkey toes are curly over the edge of her shoe and look like they’re trying to take a drag off that cigarette butt on the ground next to her foot. I know sometime your feet slide down in your shoes when you’re wearing heels… gravity is real. But considering the back of her heel is against her shoe I’m guessing there was no room for sliding, her talons were spilling out of those shoes the minute she put them on. Why would this happen? Did she just HAVE TO HAVE the shoes and they didn’t have them in her real size so she just bought the closest they had? In which case, what a waste of money, even if something is on sale for super cheap, if it doesn’t fit you at the end of the day it’s a waste of money. I think my friend at Smart Style Tips would back me up on that.  My other theory is that women with large feet are ashamed of their Ronald McDonald feet and therefore attempt to squeeze into smaller sizes to feel better.  But shoes are just like jeans, you buy a smaller size and you look worse. You’re busting at the seems and your muffin tops are over flowing.

Example to the right: this girl also seems put together with the cute pencil skirt etc. But the first thing that pops into my head is… did she borrow those shoes from her mommy? She looks like a little kid playing dress up with and inch of extra space in her heel. And that is a gap that once again gravity may have broadened but didn’t create and there is no amount of heel grips that can fill that in.  These cases I especially don’t understand because how on Earth can she even walk without stepping right out of her shoes? And why would she even want to try? Is it another case of have to have and nothing in your size? Did you borrow them from a friend? If so… borrow from a friend with smaller feet next time.  As a person with small feet myself I sometimes have a hard time finding shoes in certain styles but at the end of the day, they’re out there and even if you have to pay a little more to get them at least you won’t look like an idiot #1 and #2 you’ve spent your money on something that won’t be torturing your feet one way or the other.  I’m not saying all shoes are ever going to be comfortable, we as women continually sacrifice comfort for fashion. But a pinched pointy toe is different than cramming your size 11 into a 7.

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