…So Hard for it Honey

(First off sorry I haven’t posted in ages, I’ve had trouble coming up with ideas for posts. If you have any please share them with me here.)

I did some depressing math recently in my head… OK, I lied because I can’t do math in my head. But it’s alright because that’s why God created Texas Instruments who in turn blessed us with advanced calculators. Anyways, getting back on track. I figure the average person works from about again 20 at the latest to say age 60 give or take a few years on either end and  that’s roughly 40 years.  A year as 52 weeks so if you figure about 2-3 weeks vacation/sick time that leaves you working at least 49 weeks every year.  Are you keeping up with me here? And at 40 hours a week that’s (40hrs) x (49weeks) x (40years) = 78,400 hours of an average life spent working.

You read all the time about the amount of time people spend watching TV or sleeping etc. Correct me if I’m wrong but while it might not be productive to watch TV at least it’s entertaining and enjoyable… unless someone else is holding the remote in which case these feelings may be slightly deminished. And sleeping… well a.) it’s not like it’s a stressful activity, b.) you usually feel better after doing it and c.) you have to sleep to live. Work on the other hand for most people, myself included, is often stressful, is not fun or entertaining and I usually don’t feel better after doing it.  So the question is… must you also work to live?

All of these facts plus my astounding deductive reasoning skills have led me to the conclusion that I will most likely spend somewhere in the neighborhood of 78,000 hours of my life working at an assortment of jobs I don’t like. And countless others complaining about people there that I like even less, and dreaming of ways to somehow become independently wealthy. And all for a paycheck. Unfortunately, in the real world in order to have the things we want: houses, vacations, cars, clothes, food, etc. we have to have the money to by them. And unless your last name is Hilton, Trump or Bloomberg,  there is only one way I know of to get that money; working. So that answers our previous question.  I suppose the key at the end of the day is finding a job you really like doing, with people you like doing it with, so the remainder of your days can be spent toiling away in happiness. Who am I kidding… the key is alcohol and drinking it when you get home from work so that you can build up the courage to go back for just one more day, or… get drunk enough to rob a bank.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Ana
    Jan 13, 2010 @ 18:29:44

    Only solution: Mandatory naps.


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