Three and Out

I’ve been seeing more and more photo albums pop up on people Facebook pages in the weeks since Halloween and there is a growing phenomenon which continues to bother me.  Halloween is all about costumes, the scary ones, the creepy ones, the slutty ones, the funny and or really clever ones… they’re all good.  Sometimes even the last-minute ones can be the most inventive and at least show a little bit of thought and effort.  You know the kind: the guy who shows up wearing a hefty bag because he’s “white trash”. The definition of a costume is dress or garb characteristic of another period, place, person, etc.

That being said there are certain last-minute effortless costumes that bother me. The kind that you might as well not even bother with. There is always the girl who puts on some leggings and basically all of the ugly colorful things she owns and is a generic 80’s montage of a person… cop-out.  And there is the guy who wears a wife beater and jeans and says he’s a redneck… it’s not a costume if it’s your real life buddy. But the one I have been seeing all over the place that really aggravates me is girls wearing football jerseys and jeans with maybe some team colored ribbons in their hair or some black smudges under their eyes if you’re lucky.  What are you supposed to be? A sports fan? Because if you owned that jersey already you are a fan… so it’s not a costume it’s… what you wear on Sundays. A football player? I’m going to at least need some spandex pants to go with or maybe you could cleverly fashion some kind of pads? You know… try a little.

Oh I know! If it’s an Aaron Rogers jersey you might be going as me for Halloween.  Now that’s a clever costume.  So dear 20 something girls, if that’s the best you can do, don’t even bother next time.  Or do us all a favor and make a $20 trip to the local Party City and buy… ANYTHING!

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