Adventures in Fitness

I’ve been trying to be much better about working out lately and trying to get back into shape, which is a funny thing to say because I’ve really never been in THAT good of shape… I guess I’m not setting the bar too high. That’s good though, then I can’t be disappointed. I recently started doing pilates again which I had done a few years back during one of my last fitness ventures.  I have chosen Lara Hudson (pictured to the right) as my guide on this journey. Along the way I have discovered a few things that annoy me, which I’m sure are common to all exercise videos by nature.

I like Lara fine enough, she’s nice, has a pleasant voice that doesn’t annoy me, she’s pretty, but not too pretty so as to be threatening, it’s a nice balance. She’s supportive, but sometimes in a creepy way, like when she tells me “good form” from the other side of my computer screen. I mean I know they’re making new advancements in technology all the time but I’m pretty sure these things still only go one way… RIGHT!?

And sometimes diespite her encouraging nature she makes me feel pretty pathetic like when I’m teetering in a strange downward facing dog pose, with my right leg pointing up in the air behind me, the other turning to Jell-O beneath me, my arms shaking under my body weight and she says sweetly, “for a little added difficulty raise your left hand off the mat…” What!?!? and promptly plant my face into the floor?

It reminded me of this… I feel you Brian, I feel you.

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